
1. Setting the Stage

DEIB Digital Workbook 

Participants will be provided with a digital workbook to set the stage for the DEIB program, which will include what the program entails, the definition of DEIB, and highlight the need to be open, honest, and vulnerable about their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with DEIB to uncover individual and business biases, promote empathy and understanding, and foster an inclusive and equitable learning environment. There will be an emphasis on the commitment level of the organization. 


2. Organizational Culture Assessment

The participating organization will complete an organizational culture assessment.We will use the culture assessment through OCAI online or Gallup.


3. A Microaggression Survey

The participating organization will complete a microaggression survey through yes/no questions (Microaggression Survey). Results will be shared with company leaders during sessions 1 and 2.  *” The Census Bureau collects race data according to U.S. Office of Management and Budget guidelines, and these data are based on self-identification. People may choose to report more than one race group. People of any race may be of any ethnic origin” (


4. Listening Session (*Facilitators will include the top leadership (not general supervisors/managers).

Facilitators will hold a listening session with leadership and employees at the organization prior to session 1. The leadership team will be able to listen to their employees’ personal stories of DEI through listening sessions. The objective is to facilitate meaningful conversations and gather employee perspectives. (Listening Session Questions).


5. Personal DEI Stories

Participants will be provided a set of questions via Google Forms in which they will reflect on their positive and negative experiences with diversity, equity, and inclusion. What moments stood out? Were there times they felt excluded or included? What impact did these experiences have on them personally and professionally? Several examples of DEI experiences will be provided with the instructions.  (Personal Stories DEIB )


6. Facilitator Review of Assessments, Listening Sessions, and Microaggression Survey

The facilitators will review the assessment results and ensure they thoroughly understand the findings, key data points, and any major disparities before session 1.